Unleash Your Inner Dude: The Sarcasm-Packed Guide to Personal Development Schemes

Shubham Tiwari
3 min readJul 18, 2023


Photo by Justin Veenema on Unsplash

As the days pass by there comes a time when your inner self says “Let it be dude!”.

I mean, isn’t that the universal story behind every personal development scheme?

You start off all motivated and fired up, feeling like you can climb Mount Everest or battle alongside Alexander the Great. But alas, that motivation evaporates faster than a drop of water in the Mojave Desert.

You no longer want to continue the comfort zone kicks in and you face a resistance powerful enough to make you binge-watch Rick and Morty for the 19th time.

But hey, don’t fret, my friend. You’re not alone in this struggle, and this phenomenon is as old as Gandalf’s beard. Writing becomes harder after a few days, and reading 20 pages a day seems like a lofty goal reserved for a mere three-day streak. And let’s not even get started on that new job you thought would be so exciting — now it’s about as thrilling as watching paint dry.

The honeymoon phase gets over. And things are usually hard after that.

So how you can counter it, what’s the secret sauce to counter this personal development hangover?

Well, buckle up, because I’ve got a counterintuitive approach that’ll blow your mind harder than a pop culture reference in a Marvel movie.

Here’s a wild idea: let’s prevent the honeymoon phase from ever existing in the first place.

Before pulling your guns out hear me once. You have to realize that this new job is not new at all, many people have done it before you and many will do it long after you are gone. The habit of writing, reading, and even fighting crime in Gotham City has all been done before — probably by some quirky superhero with a sidekick who cracks jokes about existential crises.

Photo by Sajjad Ahmadi on Unsplash

But here’s the kicker: the only thing that truly sets you apart is… well, you. Wrap your mind around this concept: your work is above you.

It has chosen you, to be the one to do it. This realization creates a sense of duty and responsibility within you. Suddenly, you’re no longer thinking about what you want to do or have to do, but rather what you get to do.

So, let’s embrace our inner dude, shall we?

Embrace the fact that you’re not the first to venture down this path of personal development, and you won’t be the last.

Embrace the highs, the lows, and all the mundane moments in between. And most importantly, embrace the fact that you are the chosen one for this gig.

Now, go forth and conquer, armed with your newfound sense of duty and a healthy dose of sarcasm.

Remember, life’s a journey, not a destination, and it’s about time you make it a hilarious one. So, go out there and let your personal development adventures be legendary — like a meme that breaks the internet.

